LURE OF THE TEMPTREES A FULL WALKTHRU --------------- As soon as you find yourself in THE CELL you have to... PULL TORCH, and move closer to the door, so when the guard goes in, you leave immeditely. When you leave.. CLOSE DOOR and then LOCK DOOR, so that asshole won't hurt you. TALK TO PRISONER, and he'll ask you for water, go to GUARD ROOM, GET KNIFE, GET BOTTLE, LOOK AT BARREL, USE TAP ON BOTTLE, USE KNIFE ON SACK LOOK AT SACK, and then go right to TORTURE ROOM, you'll see the guy... USE KNIFE ON LEATHER CORD, it's fixed to his feet... From now on he'll follow you wherever you go. Go back to THE OUTER CELL, and GIVE BOTTLE TO PRISONER, he'll tell you 'bout the way of escape. TELL RATPOUCH TO PUSH BRICKS, when he leaves go after him... You are now in the SEWER OUTLET.. Go to THE FORGE, GET TINDERBOX , TALK TO LUTHERN, leave and go to SEVERED ARMS, TALK TO EILEAIN, leave and talk to MALLIN , he'll give you METAL BAR, go with it to VILLAGE SHOP, and GIVE IT TO EWAN, he'll give you some money and GEM. Go to MAGPIE TAVERN, TALK TO MARKUS, BRIBE MARKUS, TALK TO MARKUS once again, then TALK TO MALLIN, go to THE FORGE, TALK TO LUTHERN, go back to MAGPIE COURTYARD and TALK TO GRUB, the guy lying on the ground. Ask him 'bout the BLACK GOAT. Now TALK TO LUTHERN, , go to SEVERED ARMS and TALK TO EILEAIN, she'll give you the DIARY, EXAMIN DIARY, go back to MAGPIE TAWERN and GIVE GEM TO NELLIE. She'll give you a FLASK. DRINK FLASK.. See blacksmith, GIVE FLASK TO LUTHERN, so he'll empty it for you. Nice going. Now go to MARKET PLACE, GIVE LOCKPICK TO RATPOUCH... And at this moment you should save the game, because you don't know what will happen next.. LOOK AT DOOR, you'll see a lock. TELL RATPOUCH TO USE LOCKPICK ON LOCK. Now you're in the TAIDGH'S HOUSE... LOOK AT APARATUS, USE OIL BURNER WITH TINDERBOX, USE FLASK ON TAP .. Go to MIDDLE STREET, and DRINK FLASK.. Enter THE DOOR, and TALK TO SKORLS.. You'll set the girl free.. Now you can go and talk to anyone you want, there are many funny situations, so check'em out, you should talk to Skorls, Luthern, Gwyn, Eilaine, Ultar, Morkus, Gereint and Grub.. When you got bored, walk to CASTLE WALL, so you'll turn to DIERMOT again. Now... TALK TO GOEWNIE, you can find her in APOTHECARY WORKSHOP. Go to BLACKFRIARS ROW and LOOK AT NOTE. Find MALLIN and TALK TO him. He'll give you a book, now go to MONKS LODGE and TALK TO TOBY. GIVE BOOK TO TOBY, he'll tell you how to fight SELENA.. Remeber the INGREDIENTS he'll tell you. Now leave and go to APTH WORKSHOP. TALK TO GOEWIN, tell her it's for a dragon, but she won't have COWBANE, leave... And now you have two ways to do it. You can go and find COWBANE yourself, or TELL RATPOUCH TO GO TO THE FORGE, AND THEN ASK CATRIONE FOR COWBANE, AND THEN GO TO SMITHY STREET AND THEN GET COWBANE, FINISH. He'll be back so ASK RATPOUCH FOR COWBANE, now you got it, so GIVE COWBANE TO GOEWIN. TALK TO GOEWIN, so she'll give you the potion. Now TALK TO GOEWIN again, leave and go to SEVERED ARMS, TALK TO ULTAR, go to WEREGATE, TALK TO GORGOYLES, go to APTH WORKSHOP and TALK TO GOEWIN, she'll meet you at the gate.. TALK TO GOEWIN. Go inside and play around with the skulls, you can TELL her to PULL or PUSH skulls. You'll get to the room with no skulls so save the game before you go ahead.. Now fight to that asshole, hope you beat him up... The trick is to point your mouse on DIERMOT and then.. You'll figure it out after few times.. Well, you'll see the monster.. USE POTION ON DRAGON, and then TALK TO DRAGON, commend him to help you, so you'll get an eye.. Now let him sleep, leave the caves... TALK TO GOEWIN.. Go to THE FORGE and TALK TO LUTHERN, then TALK TO MELLIN, he'll tell you about the SKORL.. Go to the MARKET PLACE and when you see Skorl going to VILLAGE SHOP, LOOK THROUGH THE WINDOW, you'll hear the conversation, Skorl leaves then, TALK TO SKORL, he'll tell you about the barrel, go to VILLAGE SHOP, TALK TO EWAN... So now, Skorl will take you to THE CASTLE.. LOOK AT CASK, the one in the left corner, so you'll see the BUNG.. Now go to THE KITCHEN, GET TONGS, LOOK AT CARCASS, GET FAT, now TALK TO MINNOW, tell him you've come for Selena, TALK TO him once again, and ask him to tell his master that someone is in the WINE CELLAR. As soon as he leaves, go to the left USE TONGS ON BUNG, and hide yourself in the very right corner of the room. Skorl comes in and sees the wine... Now go left to THE GATE ROOM and USE FAT ON LEVER, TELL MINNOW TO OPERATE LEVER, while he does it, PULL WINCH. The gate will open.. Now go back, and make sure to save the game , because you may have some problems on the bridge.. After you pass him, head to the left so you'll see Selena.. Now you can fuck her and have many kids.. Well, that's it.. A whole thing.. Because the english version was not complete you can take disk c from german version, and it will work.. Typed by DELUXE. Thanx to KOOL FALCO for helping with the game solve. Special greetz go to SKAFO and The WHITE KNIGHT. 12-JUL-1992 10:52PM Brooklyn, NY - U.S.A. end.